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Tutor.com - over 18,000 tutors are building meaningful relationships with learners in the Tutor.com classroom and in face-to-face sessions

HomeworkSpot.com - free online homework resource center

Study Guides and Strategies - suggestions on many study skill topics

B.J. Pinchbeck's Homework Helper - search engine tips and Web sites to help you find information on any school topic

HomeworkCentral.com - organized Internet search guide to more than 75,000 links in over 9,000 subjects

TutorCenter.com - free fun and educational games, online tutoring, tutorials and exercises, and progress tracking report cards

The Looney Bin - study, test-taking, note-taking, and report skills

Study Web - search specific research topics or browse by specific subject areas

Electronic Prodigy - search topics by subject areas

Homework Help - the Star Tribune's homework help site